CONNOR Institute’s courses are licensed and accredited in the following states:
EPA – Lead Inspector Technician, Risk Assessor Initial and Refreshers. EPA Administered States – Alaska, Florida, New York, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, South Carolina
EPA – RRP: all states, Indian Tribal Programs, and US territories
Maryland: Maryland Maintenance And Repainting Supervisor, Initial and Refresher Lead Inspector Initial and Refresher Risk Assessor Initial and Refresher
Virginia: Lead Inspector Refresher, Risk Assessor Initial and Refresher
Texas: Lead Inspector Initial and Refresher Risk Assessor Initial and Refresher
Louisiana: Lead Inspector Initial and Refresher Risk Assessor Initial and Refresher
We are pleased to support Third Party Property Management and other regulated firms that are moving to the annual renewal model. Consolidating renewal training into a single annual class will reduce overhead expenses and minimize the chance of a mid year renewal being missed..
These custom classes enable firms to discuss real world company challenges in lieu of listening to non peer-to-peer experiences. Again we are supporting the drive to Annual Regulatory renewals. Human Resource professionals and Environmental Health & Safety Officers have united – Do it Once and be Done!
Looking to obtain prior certificates?. Click here.
Are You In Compliance?
This course provides participants with a complete analysis of all current federal lead-based paint regulations. The 4-hour course addresses federal regulations only. An additional hour of training is included if state regulations are also covered. Special emphasis is placed on common errors encountered in complying with the lead regulations and suggested corrective measures that could be taken. Students complete a written test at the end of the course.
Upon successful completion of the course, students are issued a certificate of training. The course is appropriate for property owners, property managers and leasing agents.
Asbestos Awareness
This course contains information on the health effects of asbestos, possible locations of asbestos containing materials in buildings, operations and maintenance policies and proper response plans should there be a fiber release episode. All students receive a certificate of training.
This training satisfies OSHA’s requirement to provide an annual asbestos awareness training course.
EPA Certified Renovator Initial Course (full day)
This full-day EPA accredited course will lead to the EPA Certified Renovator discipline certification, which will be valid for five years from the date of successful completion of the course. The audience for this course includes renovators, remodelers, painters, maintenance personnel, and any other workers removing or modifying painted surfaces in pre-1978 housing and in pre-1978 child-occupied facilities. Students will learn how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule. Students will also learn how to work safely with lead-based paint, and how to perform lead-safe work practices safely and effectively during renovation, repair and painting projects.
EPA Certified Renovator Refresher Course (half day)
This half-day EPA accredited “bridge” course will lead to the EPA Certified Renovator discipline certification, which will be valid for five years from the date of successful completion of the course. The audience for this course includes renovators, remodelers, painters, maintenance personnel, and any other workers removing or modifying painted surfaces in pre-1978 housing and in pre-1978 child-occupied facilities.
However, this course is only available to those individuals who have previously taken an EPA or HUD-approved lead-safe work practices course and/or who are currently EPA or state-certified as Lead Abatement Workers or Lead Abatement Supervisors. Students will learn how to comply with the EPA Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule and the HUD Lead Safe Housing Rule. Students will also learn how to work safely with lead-based paint, and how to perform lead-safe work practices safely and effectively during renovation, repair and painting projects.
Lead Inspector Technician
Based on EPA curriculum, this three-day course presents instruction on lead-based paint testing practices. These practices and procedures are used to determine the location and severity of lead-based paint, and to identify the presence of lead in dust and soil concentrations.
In addition to learning the standards and protocols applicable to lead-based paint inspections, students will become familiar with the regulatory foundations from which such inspections spring. Other topics to be touched upon include further regulations stemming from Title X, as well as radiation safety requirements.
Certified inspector technicians may perform lead-based paint inspection and post-abatement clearance activities. Upon successful completion of this course, students will need to complete additional, state-specific requirements for certification.
Lead Inspector Technician – Refresher
Based on EPA and State standards, this one-day refresher class reviews all initial requirements of the lead inspector technician course. Upon successful completion of the refresher course, students will need to complete state specific requirements for re-certification.
Lead Risk Assessor – Initial
This two-day course is a capstone to the lead inspector technician course and teaches the necessary skills for conducting a lead risk assessment. Topics include: EPA and HUD lead-based paint risk assessment protocol; lead hazard screen vs. full risk assessment; techniques for paint chip, dust, soil and water samples; interim control and abatement options; techniques to educate owners and occupants regarding lead-based paint hazards. Certified risk assessors may perform lead-based paint inspection, post-abatement clearance, lead hazard screen, and risk assessment activities. Upon successful completion of the course, students will need to complete state specific requirements for certification.
Lead Risk Assessor – Refresher
Based on EPA and State standards, this one-day refresher class reviews all initial requirements of the lead-based paint risk assessor course. Upon successful completion of the refresher course, students will need to complete state specific requirements for re-certification.
Maryland Maintenance And Repainting Supervisor – Initial
The two day Maryland Lead Maintenance and Repainting Supervisor initial course satisfies training requirements for the state of Maryland and is primarily directed at project managers, maintenance supervisors, and owners of rental properties, which may have lead-painted surfaces. The course is especially targeted at those who supervise projects as part of Maryland’s Lead Risk Reduction Program. The first day of this course covers the worker safety portion of the material related to the dangers of lead exposure, controlling lead exposure, and lead-safe work practices. The second day involves a thorough investigation of the state and federal regulations, a group project-planning activity, and a written test on the important concepts.
Upon successful completion of the class, students are issued a Maryland ID card and a certificate of training. Training certification is valid for two years. An accreditation application must be submitted to MDE upon completion of the class along with proof of training and the appropriate fee for this discipline. These steps are required to become an “accredited” Maintenance and Repainting Supervisor in Maryland.
This class has been approved by the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) and is required for supervisors who oversee repairs, maintenance or remodeling activities on certain Maryland properties where lead-based paint may be disturbed.
Maryland Maintenance And Repainting Supervisor – Refresher
The 7-hour Maryland Lead Maintenance and Repainting Supervisor Refresher Course satisfies training requirements for the state of Maryland and is primarily directed at project managers, maintenance supervisors, and owners of rental properties, which may have lead-painted surfaces. The course is especially targeted at those who supervise projects as part of Maryland’s Lead Risk Reduction Program. The course includes a review of issues related to lead exposure and lead-safe work practices. Emphasis is placed on changes to state and federal regulations within the past two years as well as any additional other information pertinent to the attendee.
Mold Awareness
CONNOR offers mold awareness training onsite. Interactive, allowing dialogue between the instructor and participants, this course is the perfect introduction to mold awareness. The course provides a brief history of mold, a synopsis on the biology and health effects of mold, current and emerging laws and regulations, the state of affairs of mold litigation and trends, a review of current assessment and remediation guidance documents which currently represent the industry standard of care and a brief overview of appropriate operation & maintenance procedures.
Property Management Moisture Infiltration/ Mold Prevention & Remediation Training – Hosted by CleanHealth Environmental
Geared toward property management and maintenance personnel who will be addressing and responding to water damage as well as conducting small level mold remediation projects, per the District of Columbia’s recently-enacted mold law and regulation. 1 day (8 hour)
Upon course completion, each attendee will be issued a Certificate of Completion, certifying that they have completed mold training, which follows the industry’s current standard of care in accordance with the District of Columbia Mold Law and Regulations and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.